
Categories are the main organizational container for shared skills. You can create as many categories as you'd like to logically group the skills AtBot can perform as well as who can perform them. In a paid subscription, shared skills are only available to users if they are inside a category.

Creating Categories

In the admin portal from the Categories screen, click Create Category, give your category a name and click Create.

Category Settings

Name & Description
These fields are used in the Help dialog presented to the user so it helps to provide useful titles and descriptions
Tip: Emojis are supported, so you can use helpful icons to distinguish your categories. Here is an emoji reference you can use to copy and paste the icons you want to use 👨🏽‍🎓
Optionally add additional Contributors to the category. Contributors will be able to edit and add skills to the category. Search for contributors by UPN.
You can add as many skills as you'd like to a category, simply select the skill from the dropdown and click Add Skill.

You can optionally select Azure AD groups that will have access to the skills in this category. If you leave this field blank, the category will be open to all users in your tenant.

Add AAD groups by starting to type the group name in the text box, search results will come back and you can click on the group you wish to add.

Allow Skills to Run in Channels
You can optionally select to allow skills from a category to run in Teams channels. This means that users can run skills in a Teams channel where other users will see the dialog between that user and the bot.
Allow Category in @AtBot
If you are using custom Enterprise Bots and do not want certain categories to show up in the AtBot bot, you can turn them off.